How to reach us

The Home Soggiorno Pezzati is located in the heart of Florence, in the historic San Lorenzo District, easy to reach by walking (10 min.) form the main train station S.Maria Novella and by car just following the indication found on our website.
We are a 10-minute walk from the Santa Maria Novella train station.
Leaving the station through the exit on the left, you will find Via Nazionale in front of you (near the MCDonald). Take this street straight for about 300 meters and turn right on Via Guelfa, followed by an immediate left on Via San Zanobi. Soggiorno Pezzati is 50 meters down the street on the right side, number 22. For train tickets, times, and information, visit
A1 Motorway Exit: Firenze Nord orFirenze Sud (It depends on where you come)
Follow the signs for “il centro" (the center) - Fortezza da Basso.” At the Fortezza da Basso (a 16th century military fortress), take Viale Spartaco Lavagnini and turn right on Via Santa Caterina d'Alessandria at the first stoplight. After about 50 meters, turn left on Via delle Ruote, in this area you find the cameras of the ZTL, please pass it only if you want to park in the garage. Go straight until you hit Via Santa Reparata and turn right. Take another right on Via XXVII Aprile and your first left on Via San Zenobi.
After about 100 meters, Soggiorno Pezzati will be number 22 on your left. For parking; we have arranged special guest prices at the Garage SAN ZANOBI, 31 directly in front of the B&B.
Remember that you are entering the ZTL (limited traffic zone) and for this you have to park in a garage, we have one in front of our house Garage SAN ZANOBI, 31 who have a special price for my clients, it is safe migior the price of the whole area. The ZTL starts from 7:00 to 20:00 from Monday to Saturday, Sunday is free. In the period from March to October on again also from 23:00 to 04:00.
A1 Motorway Exit: Firenze Sud
Follow the signs for “il centro” (the center). Once on the 6-lane boulevard, follow the signs for Piazza della Libertà. After the second stoplight in the square, take Via Lorenzo Il Magnifico will be on your right. At the first traffic light, turn left on Via Poliziano. Go straight, pass a stoplight and a large driveway and the road turns into via Santa Caterina D'Alessandria. After about 50 meters, turn left on Via delle Ruote, in this area you find the cameras of the ZTL, please pass it only if you want to park in the garage. . Follow it to Via Santa Reparata and turn right. Take another right on Via XXVII Aprile and your first left on Via San Zenobi.
After 100 meters, Soggiorno Pezzati is number 22 on your left. For parking; we have arranged special guest prices at the Garage SAN ZANOBI, 31 directly in front of the B&B (see directions above).
Take the shuttle bus from the "Arrivi" (arrivals) side of the airport to the Santa Maria Novella train station. Then follow the walking directions under the “by train” section above. Alternatively, you can take a taxi.
The shuttle has sixty-six daily connections between the airport and the city center. The ride to or from the airport is 20 minutes and drops you off (or picks you up) at the bus station.
You can take the Terravision bus from the airport directly to the Santa Maria Novella train station.
From there, follow the walking directions under the “by train” section above.
Terravision bus information from the Pisa airport: website -